January Ohio Runner of the Month: Nicole Camp

Nicole Camp
2011 was a big year for distance
running, not only throughout the country, but in our very own state. Ohio
produced some of the best performances in the nation in 2011, including various
elite track and road performances as well as national and Olympic Trials
qualifiers. 2012 started with a bang for Ohio distance runners with the U.S.
Olympic Marathon trials and with the anticipation of a great year of distance
running ahead of us, we though it would be a great idea to showcase some of the
talent that the state of Ohio is producing.
2012 Gopherarun will be featuring an Ohio Runner of the Month in order to
recognize outstanding performances by people in our very own State. The State
of Ohio is one of the finest states in the Country for distance running and
these performances should be recognized.
For our featured runner for the month of January, we caught up with Nicole Camp. Nicole is fresh off of an incredible performance at the 2012 U.S. Olympic Trials in what was surely a career-boosting race for her.

1. When and where did you start running competitively? (Where did you attend high school?)
I started running my sophomore year at
Norwayne High School. The cross-country coach, Mr. O'Hare, talked me into
running instead of being the a really bad volleyball player, which I was.
2. Did you run in college and if so, where?
I ran at the University of Toledo for Coach Hadsell.
3.What made you decide to run competitively after high school and college and what ultimately led you to pursue the marathon?
took about a month off after college, and started running easy at the amazing
parks that we have here in Cleveland. After that I jumped into a few road races
and hooked up with Glenn Andrews and Elizabeth Hansen and the SERC group. They
pretty easily talked me into running longer races and after talking with Ted Rupe
at Mill Creek Distance Classic, I was on board with this whole marathon idea.
Glenn started coaching me soon after and here we are!
4. Briefly describe your experiences at the 2012 U.S. Olympic Trials for those
that do not know what that experience is like.
Olympic Trials experience was more amazing than I could have ever imagined.
From the time I stepped into the hotel for the first time to when I checked
out, the atmosphere was just awesome. We were treated so well everywhere we
went, the course was great, the fans were everywhere, and the whole weekend's
events were perfect, in my eyes.
5.You ran great in Houston, about a 5 minute PR if I'm not mistaken? How were
you able to perform at that level and keep a level head when racing the best
runners in the country?
you! Yes, about 4 1/2 minute pr over Cleveland last year. I think my coach
prepared me very well, my training went well over the past several months and
during the race I just tried to not crash! I wasn't very nervous on race day,
actually I think I was more nervous before Cleveland this past year. I really
didn't feel any pressure to race well or run a perfect race in Houston. I tried
to enjoy the entire experience and I just felt good on that day!
6. You have definitely capped off a spectacular year in running. What is next
for your running career in the near and distant future?
am getting right back into racing here soon. The plan is to get back on the
track and do a few 5K and 10K's and then head into summer road races. Long
term, I would love to qualify for the marathon trials again!