Meet Information below Legend's Bios

Coaches are asked to please
cooperate in advance by:
< Submitting rosters online
at baumspage.com by the midnight deadline on the Sunday before the meet.
< Ensuring correct chips are
securely placed on runners shoes.
< Collecting and returning all
chips to the registration area after the race.
Meet Information below Legend's Bios
ยท Coaches are asked to please cooperate in advance by:
< Submitting rosters online at baumspage.com by the midnight deadline on the Sunday before the meet.
< Ensuring correct chips are securely placed on runners shoes.
< Collecting and returning all chips to the registration area after the race.
Results and photos of The 2023 Legends Meet found at this link.
2024 Legends Meet Information (printable pdf)
2024-Legends-Contract - (Adobe Reader must be used to fill this form. In Chrome, please right click and "Save Link As" to save the PDF to your computer (Choose "Open in System Viewer) and open in Adobe Reader/Acrobat to submit).