2008 Gilmour Invitational - Gray Division I Girls

2008 Gilmour Invitational Gray DI Girls
Gilmour Academy
Sep. 26, 2008
Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.
1 Solon 65 8 10 14 15 18 21 28 20:04.0 0:33.0
2 Mentor 82 5 6 13 25 33 35 45 20:10.8 1:30.0
3 St. Joseph Academy 91 9 17 20 22 23 24 37 20:17.0 0:42.0
4 Avon Lake 126 1 4 34 39 48 50 55 20:38.6 2:58.0
5 Kenston 132 12 26 27 31 36 44 49 20:43.4 0:59.0
6 Euclid 172 2 16 43 51 60 67 77 21:29.4 4:48.0
7 Will. South 194 3 11 40 69 71 72 73 22:19.8 6:34.0
8 Valley Forge 204 7 19 46 64 68 22:14.2 5:11.0
9 Cle. Heights 210 29 30 32 58 61 65 22:04.4 3:14.0
10 Geneva 250 41 47 52 54 56 63 75 22:26.6 1:32.0
11 Brush 288 42 53 57 62 74 23:51.8 5:14.0
12 Parma 309 38 59 66 70 76 24:26.8 5:50.0
1. Solon
8 Brooke Simpson, 11 19:43.0 6:22
10 Rachel Kalayjian, 12 19:57.0 6:26
14 Claire Wieczorek, 11 20:11.0 6:31
15 Allison Jaffe, 11 20:13.0 6:31
18 Kelsey Aamoth, 9 20:16.0 6:32
21 Hillary Wilson, 12 20:27.0 6:36
28 Anna Fakler, 10 20:49.0 6:43
Total Time = 1:40:20.0 Total Places = 65
2. Mentor
5 Deanna Kreider, 10 19:33.0 6:18
6 Jessie Iafelice, 10 19:36.0 6:19
13 Kristen Ruckstuhl, 10 20:10.0 6:30
25 Alexandra Benson, 9 20:32.0 6:37
33 Adrienne Sakas, 10 21:03.0 6:47
35 Blair Vrcan, 11 21:05.0 6:48
45 Lauren Starks, 10 21:50.0 7:03
Total Time = 1:40:54.0 Total Places = 82
3. St. Joseph Academy
9 Kristin Karn, 12 19:50.0 6:24
17 Kelly Gallagher, 12 20:16.0 6:32
20 Melissa Bresnahan, 12 20:20.0 6:34
22 Erin Gaffney, 10 20:27.0 6:36
23 Gabby Kreuz, 11 20:32.0 6:37
24 Jessica Sirchen, 9 20:32.0 6:37
37 Grace Harter, 9 21:21.0 6:53
Total Time = 1:41:25.0 Total Places = 91
4. Avon Lake
1 Katy Link, 9 19:06.0 6:10
4 Miranda Weed, 11 19:30.0 6:17
34 Jane Duskey, 9 21:03.0 6:47
39 Lauren LeDuc, 11 21:30.0 6:56
48 Kristin Kenny, 9 22:04.0 7:07
50 Selena Ventura, 12 22:08.0 7:08
55 Alison Sadowski, 10 23:12.0 7:29
Total Time = 1:43:13.0 Total Places = 126
5. Kenston
12 Kylen Hughes, 12 20:09.0 6:30
26 Tamara Surtees, 10 20:35.0 6:38
27 Maygen Semall, 10 20:48.0 6:43
31 Marcia Mason, 12 20:57.0 6:45
36 Haley Rice, 9 21:08.0 6:49
44 Olivia Latimer, 9 21:49.0 7:02
49 Samantha Drees, 9 22:05.0 7:07
Total Time = 1:43:37.0 Total Places = 132
6. Euclid
2 Kayla Whitlow, 11 19:12.0 6:12
16 Emily Sweet, 9 20:13.0 6:31
43 Jennifer Brown, 11 21:49.0 7:02
51 Melinda Arko, 12 22:13.0 7:10
60 Katherine Hoggett, 9 24:00.0 7:45
67 Gunny Hastings, 11 24:52.0 8:01
77 Ariel Lee, 12 29:31.0 9:31
Total Time = 1:47:27.0 Total Places = 172
7. Will. South
3 Lauren Allen, 12 19:13.0 6:12
11 Jamie Clapacs, 11 20:07.0 6:29
40 Micayla Rasanow, 9 21:38.0 6:59
69 Reanna Fox, 12 24:54.0 8:02
71 Kelsey George, 12 25:47.0 8:19
72 Morgann Meyers, 10 26:25.0 8:31
73 Erin Crooks, 10 26:34.0 8:34
Total Time = 1:51:39.0 Total Places = 194
8. Valley Forge
7 Shaina Kovatch, 12 19:42.0 6:21
19 Alexandra Scott, 9 20:18.0 6:33
46 Paris Sulzer, 10 21:59.0 7:05
64 Krishawna Jones, 9 24:19.0 7:51
68 Lauren Vojacek, 12 24:53.0 8:02
Total Time = 1:51:11.0 Total Places = 204
9. Cle. Heights
29 Shequea Howard, 12 20:50.0 6:43
30 Kellen Lowrie, 10 20:53.0 6:44
32 Grace Graham, 12 20:59.0 6:46
58 Catherine Holt, 10 23:36.0 7:37
61 Lachell Jordan, 9 24:04.0 7:46
65 Tania Timmons, 10 24:25.0 7:53
Total Time = 1:50:22.0 Total Places = 210
10. Geneva
41 Alyssa Nieset, 9 21:43.0 7:00
47 Leslie Woodworth, 11 22:01.0 7:06
52 Carly Cash, 11 22:15.0 7:11
54 Nicole Smith, 11 22:59.0 7:25
56 Natasha Loveridge, 11 23:15.0 7:30
63 Alex Varckette, 12 24:06.0 7:46
75 Paige Bowser, 11 27:10.0 8:46
Total Time = 1:52:13.0 Total Places = 250
11. Brush
42 Cierra Williams, 11 21:45.0 7:01
53 Candice Shorts, 12 22:55.0 7:24
57 Alex Niedzwiecki, 11 23:34.0 7:36
62 Alexis McNichol, 10 24:06.0 7:46
74 Aja Howard, 12 26:59.0 8:42
Total Time = 1:59:19.0 Total Places = 288
12. Parma
38 Kim Bradley, 11 21:25.0 6:55
59 Tania Levitsky, 12 23:56.0 7:43
66 Kassie Levitsky, 10 24:28.0 7:54
70 Nicole Roetzel, 9 25:10.0 8:07
76 Theresa Ferguson, 9 27:15.0 8:47
Total Time = 2:02:14.0 Total Places = 309
1 1 Katy Link, 9 19:06.0 6:10 Avon Lake
2 2 Kayla Whitlow, 11 19:12.0 6:12 Euclid
3 3 Lauren Allen, 12 19:13.0 6:12 Will. South
4 4 Miranda Weed, 11 19:30.0 6:17 Avon Lake
5 5 Deanna Kreider, 10 19:33.0 6:18 Mentor
6 6 Jessie Iafelice, 10 19:36.0 6:19 Mentor
7 7 Shaina Kovatch, 12 19:42.0 6:21 Valley Forge
8 8 Brooke Simpson, 11 19:43.0 6:22 Solon
9 9 Kristin Karn, 12 19:50.0 6:24 St. Joseph Academy
10 10 Rachel Kalayjian, 12 19:57.0 6:26 Solon
11 11 Jamie Clapacs, 11 20:07.0 6:29 Will. South
12 12 Kylen Hughes, 12 20:09.0 6:30 Kenston
13 13 Kristen Ruckstuhl, 10 20:10.0 6:30 Mentor
14 14 Claire Wieczorek, 11 20:11.0 6:31 Solon
15 15 Allison Jaffe, 11 20:13.0 6:31 Solon
16 16 Emily Sweet, 9 20:13.0 6:31 Euclid
17 17 Kelly Gallagher, 12 20:16.0 6:32 St. Joseph Academy
18 18 Kelsey Aamoth, 9 20:16.0 6:32 Solon
19 19 Alexandra Scott, 9 20:18.0 6:33 Valley Forge
20 20 Melissa Bresnahan, 12 20:20.0 6:34 St. Joseph Academy
21 21 Hillary Wilson, 12 20:27.0 6:36 Solon
22 22 Erin Gaffney, 10 20:27.0 6:36 St. Joseph Academy
23 23 Gabby Kreuz, 11 20:32.0 6:37 St. Joseph Academy
24 24 Jessica Sirchen, 9 20:32.0 6:37 St. Joseph Academy
25 25 Alexandra Benson, 9 20:32.0 6:37 Mentor
26 26 Tamara Surtees, 10 20:35.0 6:38 Kenston
27 27 Maygen Semall, 10 20:48.0 6:43 Kenston
28 28 Anna Fakler, 10 20:49.0 6:43 Solon
29 29 Shequea Howard, 12 20:50.0 6:43 Cle. Heights
30 30 Kellen Lowrie, 10 20:53.0 6:44 Cle. Heights
31 31 Marcia Mason, 12 20:57.0 6:45 Kenston
32 32 Grace Graham, 12 20:59.0 6:46 Cle. Heights
33 33 Adrienne Sakas, 10 21:03.0 6:47 Mentor
34 34 Jane Duskey, 9 21:03.0 6:47 Avon Lake
35 35 Blair Vrcan, 11 21:05.0 6:48 Mentor
36 36 Haley Rice, 9 21:08.0 6:49 Kenston
37 37 Grace Harter, 9 21:21.0 6:53 St. Joseph Academy
38 38 Kim Bradley, 11 21:25.0 6:55 Parma
39 39 Lauren LeDuc, 11 21:30.0 6:56 Avon Lake
40 40 Micayla Rasanow, 9 21:38.0 6:59 Will. South
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | Top
41 41 Alyssa Nieset, 9 21:43.0 7:00 Geneva
42 42 Cierra Williams, 11 21:45.0 7:01 Brush
43 43 Jennifer Brown, 11 21:49.0 7:02 Euclid
44 44 Olivia Latimer, 9 21:49.0 7:02 Kenston
45 45 Lauren Starks, 10 21:50.0 7:03 Mentor
46 46 Paris Sulzer, 10 21:59.0 7:05 Valley Forge
47 47 Leslie Woodworth, 11 22:01.0 7:06 Geneva
48 48 Kristin Kenny, 9 22:04.0 7:07 Avon Lake
49 49 Samantha Drees, 9 22:05.0 7:07 Kenston
50 50 Selena Ventura, 12 22:08.0 7:08 Avon Lake
51 51 Melinda Arko, 12 22:13.0 7:10 Euclid
52 52 Carly Cash, 11 22:15.0 7:11 Geneva
53 53 Candice Shorts, 12 22:55.0 7:24 Brush
54 54 Nicole Smith, 11 22:59.0 7:25 Geneva
55 55 Alison Sadowski, 10 23:12.0 7:29 Avon Lake
56 56 Natasha Loveridge, 11 23:15.0 7:30 Geneva
57 57 Alex Niedzwiecki, 11 23:34.0 7:36 Brush
58 58 Catherine Holt, 10 23:36.0 7:37 Cle. Heights
59 59 Tania Levitsky, 12 23:56.0 7:43 Parma
60 60 Katherine Hoggett, 9 24:00.0 7:45 Euclid
61 61 Lachell Jordan, 9 24:04.0 7:46 Cle. Heights
62 62 Alexis McNichol, 10 24:06.0 7:46 Brush
63 63 Alex Varckette, 12 24:06.0 7:46 Geneva
64 64 Krishawna Jones, 9 24:19.0 7:51 Valley Forge
65 65 Tania Timmons, 10 24:25.0 7:53 Cle. Heights
66 66 Kassie Levitsky, 10 24:28.0 7:54 Parma
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | Top
67 67 Gunny Hastings, 11 24:52.0 8:01 Euclid
68 68 Lauren Vojacek, 12 24:53.0 8:02 Valley Forge
69 69 Reanna Fox, 12 24:54.0 8:02 Will. South
70 70 Nicole Roetzel, 9 25:10.0 8:07 Parma
71 71 Kelsey George, 12 25:47.0 8:19 Will. South
72 72 Morgann Meyers, 10 26:25.0 8:31 Will. South
73 73 Erin Crooks, 10 26:34.0 8:34 Will. South
74 74 Aja Howard, 12 26:59.0 8:42 Brush
75 75 Paige Bowser, 11 27:10.0 8:46 Geneva
76 76 Theresa Ferguson, 9 27:15.0 8:47 Parma
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | Top
77 77 Ariel Lee, 12 29:31.0 9:31 Euclid
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For result corrections please e-mail Ted Rupe.