2009 Billy Goat Challenge Junior High Boys
Aug. 29, 2009
COACHES - I had some problems with results on this and recovered them from a backup. If you see errors (missing names) that you want me to correct, email me the information at ted.rupe@neomin.org. Thanks for your patience as I learn the new system.
78 degrees, Wet and OvercastResults by GOPHERARUN.COM
Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.
1 Austintown 55 7 9 11 12 16 26 38 13:21.7 0:25.0
2 Woodridge 71 2 6 8 20 35 39 40 13:26.0 2:12.0
3 Poland 125 4 10 28 41 42 43 44 14:03.8 1:57.0
4 Crestwood 137 5 25 30 32 45 70 72 14:16.8 2:08.0
5 Canfield 149 17 19 33 34 46 52 74 14:20.8 1:41.0
6 Garfield 162 13 18 24 53 54 58 60 14:38.8 2:36.0
7 Girard 173 21 22 27 47 56 66 67 14:43.2 2:19.0
8 Cvca 178 14 15 29 59 61 68 15:00.2 3:28.0
9 Jefferson 197 3 36 37 57 64 73 15:09.4 4:30.0
10 McDonald 203 1 23 48 55 76 79 15:50.0 9:50.0
11 Struthers 270 31 49 51 62 77 78 17:00.6 7:49.0
12 Streetsboro 318 50 63 65 69 71 75 17:37.0 3:02.0
Incomplete Teams: Labrae
1. Austintown
7 Ben Conley 13:12.0 6:36
9 Nick Sheely 13:14.4 6:37
11 William Mellott 13:18.0 6:39
12 Bryce Baker 13:27.0 6:44
16 Zak Patrick 13:37.0 6:48
26 Zackary Goist 14:08.0 7:04
38 Tom Duffy 14:44.0 7:22
Total Time = 66:48.4 Total Places = 55
2. Woodridge
2 John Harry, 8 12:24.0 6:12
6 Tim Faiken, 8 13:09.0 6:34
8 Mason Cotrill, 7 13:14.0 6:37
20 Kyle Jarvis, 8 13:47.0 6:54
35 Noah Bullock, 7 14:36.0 7:18
39 Kyle Jarvis, 8 14:46.0 7:23
40 Brendon Henderson, 8 14:50.0 7:25
Total Time = 67:10.0 Total Places = 71
3. Poland
4 Zac Prizant 12:59.0 6:30
10 Nick Burke 13:14.7 6:37
28 Max Prizant 14:19.0 7:10
41 Robert Murcko 14:50.0 7:25
42 Joey Mika 14:56.0 7:28
43 Mark Cooper 15:07.8 7:34
44 Jon Seitz 15:11.0 7:36
Total Time = 70:18.7 Total Places = 125
4. Crestwood
5 Matt Gerdes, 8 13:09.0 6:34
25 Pete Stewart, 8 14:06.0 7:03
30 Jeremiah Fitgerald, 7 14:23.0 7:12
32 Chad Randall, 8 14:29.0 7:14
45 Nathan Green, 8 15:17.0 7:38
70 Noah Gula, 7 18:42.0 9:21
72 ?, 7 19:14.0 9:37
Total Time = 71:24.0 Total Places = 137
5. Canfield
17 Rollin Bresson, 8 13:38.0 6:49
19 Michael Solomon, 8 13:46.0 6:53
33 Gary Zamary, 8 14:30.0 7:15
34 Bryan Kristan, 7 14:31.0 7:16
46 Kyle Aderson, 7 15:19.0 7:40
52 Richie Abel, 8 15:54.0 7:57
74 Sam Ranttila, 7 20:39.0 10:20
Total Time = 71:44.0 Total Places = 149
6. Garfield
13 Noah Reeder 13:28.0 6:44
18 Andy Runinger 13:42.0 6:51
24 Corey Bolger 14:05.0 7:02
53 Simeon Brown 15:55.0 7:58
54 Sam Bugansky 16:04.0 8:02
58 Josh Moore 16:39.0 8:20
60 Jacob Puckett 16:48.0 8:24
Total Time = 73:14.0 Total Places = 162
7. Girard
21 Zane Chase, 8 13:51.0 6:56
22 Chris Montagna, 8 13:59.0 7:00
27 Vincent Maderitz, 8 14:10.0 7:05
47 Owen Scerba, 8 15:26.0 7:43
56 Matthew Lewis, 7 16:10.0 8:05
66 Paul Blair, 7 18:03.0 9:02
67 Cody Asky, 7 18:05.0 9:02
Total Time = 73:36.0 Total Places = 173
8. Cvca
14 Benjamin Bochoven, 8 13:28.0 6:44
15 Evan Sheehan, 8 13:30.0 6:45
29 Nate Lyons, 8 14:21.0 7:10
59 Ryan Adams, 7 16:46.0 8:23
61 Conner Holloway, 8 16:56.0 8:28
68 Alex Bartel, 7 18:22.0 9:11
Total Time = 75:01.0 Total Places = 178
9. Jefferson
3 David Chase, 8 12:44.0 6:22
36 Mathew Kantor, 7 14:38.0 7:19
37 Curtis Morris, 8 14:38.0 7:19
57 David Bookbinder, 8 16:33.0 8:16
64 Jarrod White, 8 17:14.0 8:37
73 ? 19:37.0 9:48
Total Time = 75:47.0 Total Places = 197
10. McDonald
1 Bobby Johnson, 8 11:53.0 5:56
23 David Natoli, 7 14:02.0 7:01
48 David Rossi, 8 15:26.0 7:43
55 Christian Smith, 7 16:06.0 8:03
76 Scott Little, 7 21:43.0 10:52
79 Cody Williamson, 7 23:08.0 11:34
Total Time = 79:10.0 Total Places = 203
11. Struthers
31 John Sefcik, 7 14:25.0 7:12
49 Matthew Bollinger, 7 15:34.0 7:47
51 Tyler Adams, 8 15:50.0 7:55
62 James Zagorsky, 8 17:00.0 8:30
77 Zachary Richards, 7 22:14.0 11:07
78 ? 22:21.0 11:10
Total Time = 85:03.0 Total Places = 270
12. Streetsboro
50 Brown Britton, 7 15:42.0 7:51
63 Burgess Tomlin, 7 17:11.0 8:36
65 Matt Kolky 18:01.0 9:00
69 Galinsky Chase, 7 18:27.0 9:14
71 Lynde Colin, 7 18:44.0 9:22
75 Thompson Dylan, 7 20:51.0 10:26
Total Time = 88:05.0 Total Places = 318
1 Bobby Johnson, 8 11:53.0 5:56 McDonald
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
2 John Harry, 8 12:24.0 6:12 Woodridge
3 David Chase, 8 12:44.0 6:22 Jefferson
4 Zac Prizant 12:59.0 6:30 Poland
5 Kyle Smith, 8 13:04.0 6:32 Labrae
6 Matt Gerdes, 8 13:09.0 6:34 Crestwood
7 Tim Faiken, 8 13:09.0 6:34 Woodridge
8 Ben Conley 13:12.0 6:36 Austintown
9 Mason Cotrill, 7 13:14.0 6:37 Woodridge
10 Nick Sheely 13:14.4 6:37 Austintown
11 Nick Burke 13:14.7 6:37 Poland
12 William Mellott 13:18.0 6:39 Austintown
13 Bryce Baker 13:27.0 6:44 Austintown
14 Noah Reeder 13:28.0 6:44 Garfield
15 Benjamin Bochoven, 8 13:28.0 6:44 Cvca
16 Evan Sheehan, 8 13:30.0 6:45 Cvca
17 Zak Patrick 13:37.0 6:48 Austintown
18 Rollin Bresson, 8 13:38.0 6:49 Canfield
19 Andy Runinger 13:42.0 6:51 Garfield
20 Michael Solomon, 8 13:46.0 6:53 Canfield
21 Kyle Jarvis, 8 13:47.0 6:54 Woodridge
22 Zane Chase, 8 13:51.0 6:56 Girard
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
23 Chris Montagna, 8 13:59.0 7:00 Girard
24 David Natoli, 7 14:02.0 7:01 McDonald
25 Corey Bolger 14:05.0 7:02 Garfield
26 Pete Stewart, 8 14:06.0 7:03 Crestwood
27 Zackary Goist 14:08.0 7:04 Austintown
28 Vincent Maderitz, 8 14:10.0 7:05 Girard
29 Max Prizant 14:19.0 7:10 Poland
30 Nate Lyons, 8 14:21.0 7:10 Cvca
31 Jeremiah Fitgerald, 7 14:23.0 7:12 Crestwood
32 John Sefcik, 7 14:25.0 7:12 Struthers
33 Chad Randall, 8 14:29.0 7:14 Crestwood
34 Gary Zamary, 8 14:30.0 7:15 Canfield
35 Bryan Kristan, 7 14:31.0 7:16 Canfield
36 Noah Bullock, 7 14:36.0 7:18 Woodridge
37 Mathew Kantor, 7 14:38.0 7:19 Jefferson
38 Curtis Morris, 8 14:38.0 7:19 Jefferson
39 Tom Duffy 14:44.0 7:22 Austintown
40 Kyle Jarvis, 8 14:46.0 7:23 Woodridge
41 Brendon Henderson, 8 14:50.0 7:25 Woodridge
42 Robert Murcko 14:50.0 7:25 Poland
43 Joey Mika 14:56.0 7:28 Poland
44 Matt Ward, 7 15:07.0 7:34 Woodridge
45 Mark Cooper 15:07.8 7:34 Poland
46 Jon Seitz 15:11.0 7:36 Poland
47 Nathan Green, 8 15:17.0 7:38 Crestwood
48 Kyle Aderson, 7 15:19.0 7:40 Canfield
49 Thomas Mikkelsen 15:24.0 7:42 Poland
50 Owen Scerba, 8 15:26.0 7:43 Girard
51 David Rossi, 8 15:26.0 7:43 McDonald
52 Matthew Bollinger, 7 15:34.0 7:47 Struthers
53 Brian Jankowski, 7 15:39.0 7:50 Woodridge
54 Logan Stockton, 7 15:41.0 7:50 Woodridge
55 Brown Britton, 7 15:42.0 7:51 Streetsboro
56 Tyler Adams, 8 15:50.0 7:55 Struthers
57 Richie Abel, 8 15:54.0 7:57 Canfield
58 Simeon Brown 15:55.0 7:58 Garfield
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
59 Nick Gajdos 16:00.0 8:00 Poland
60 Sam Bugansky 16:04.0 8:02 Garfield
61 Nick Romeo 16:06.0 8:03 Poland
62 Christian Smith, 7 16:06.0 8:03 McDonald
63 Christian Bittler 16:09.0 8:04 Austintown
64 Matthew Lewis, 7 16:10.0 8:05 Girard
65 Dylan Latone 16:10.0 8:05 Austintown
66 Mark Passarello 16:17.0 8:08 Poland
67 Jeffery Bishop 16:28.0 8:14 Austintown
68 David Bookbinder, 8 16:33.0 8:16 Jefferson
69 Gage Thimler 16:33.0 8:16 Austintown
70 Brandon Starcher 16:36.0 8:18 Austintown
71 Carson Norris, 8 16:37.0 8:18 Woodridge
72 Josh Moore 16:39.0 8:20 Garfield
73 Dan Nelson 16:46.0 8:23 Austintown
74 Ryan Adams, 7 16:46.0 8:23 Cvca
75 Jacob Puckett 16:48.0 8:24 Garfield
76 Jesse Timmons, 8 16:49.0 8:24 Woodridge
77 Gunnar Estes, 7 16:52.0 8:26 Labrae
78 Conner Holloway, 8 16:56.0 8:28 Cvca
79 James Zagorsky, 8 17:00.0 8:30 Struthers
80 Colin Wilson 17:08.0 8:34 Austintown
81 Burgess Tomlin, 7 17:11.0 8:36 Streetsboro
82 Jarrod White, 8 17:14.0 8:37 Jefferson
83 Jared Feicht 17:21.0 8:40 Austintown
84 Curtis Stanich 17:25.0 8:42 Poland
85 Ben Devenport 17:31.0 8:46 Austintown
86 Griffin Young 17:32.0 8:46 Garfield
87 Casey O'Brien 17:34.0 8:47 Austintown
88 Chad Holmes 17:42.0 8:51 Austintown
89 Jameson Parker, 7 17:54.0 8:57 Woodridge
90 Jeffery Bishop 17:58.0 8:59 Austintown
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
91 Matt Kolky 18:01.0 9:00 Streetsboro
92 Paul Blair, 7 18:03.0 9:02 Girard
93 Cody Asky, 7 18:05.0 9:02 Girard
94 Nick Garfield 18:19.0 9:10 Garfield
95 Alex Bartel, 7 18:22.0 9:11 Cvca
96 Christian Day 18:26.0 9:13 Austintown
97 Galinsky Chase, 7 18:27.0 9:14 Streetsboro
98 Ross Hill 18:30.0 9:15 Poland
99 Noah Gula, 7 18:42.0 9:21 Crestwood
100 Lynde Colin, 7 18:44.0 9:22 Streetsboro
101 Zachery Barber 18:45.0 9:22 Austintown
102 ?, 7 19:14.0 9:37 Crestwood
103 ? 19:37.0 9:48 Jefferson
104 Oliva Durr, 10 19:38.0 9:49 Girard
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
105 Thler Dicken, 8 20:10.0 10:05 Woodridge
106 Sam Ranttila, 7 20:39.0 10:20 Canfield
107 Austin Harris, 7 20:40.0 10:20 Crestwood
108 ? 20:40.0 10:20 Crestwood
109 Zack Yoho 20:43.0 10:22 Garfield
110 Thompson Dylan, 7 20:51.0 10:26 Streetsboro
111 Kyle Walsh, 8 20:57.0 10:28 Girard
112 Stephen Tsagares 21:04.0 10:32 Poland
113 David Kuzman, 7 21:19.0 10:40 Girard
114 Brian Spence, 7 21:39.0 10:50 Girard
115 Scott Little, 7 21:43.0 10:52 McDonald
116 Joe Weetman 21:57.0 10:58 Poland
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
117 Zachary Richards, 7 22:14.0 11:07 Struthers
118 ? 22:15.0 11:08
119 ? 22:21.0 11:10 Struthers
120 Cody Williamson, 7 23:08.0 11:34 McDonald
121 Josh Bowman, 8 23:22.0 11:41 Girard
122 Matt Robbins 23:50.0 11:55 Austintown
123 Jacob Burkett, 7 0 Crestwood
124 Alec Harr-Cook, 7 0 Crestwood
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For result corrections please e-mail Ted Rupe.